:) مرحبا بك عزيزي الزائر في موقعنا نتمنى ان تنال الالعاب اعجابك ان كان هناك اي مشكل نرجو منك ابلاغنا!

Think you are smart?

Think you are smart?
You think you're smart - trivia game with questions and general knowledge questions. At the end of the game you can record your score and you can find the current day or general position. ~ 45 seconds for each question;
~ 1/4 can be used 2 times, the choice can be in the same question (50%) or other 25%.
~ robot - offers a somewhat exact answer depends on the question;
~ next - skips the current question without taking life, featuring a score correct answer according to the level.
~ 3 lives (wrong answers) possible.

شارك اللعبة مع اصدقائك؟

لا تنسى اخبارنا رأيك في اللعبة!

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